Newsletter Volume 1 No. 1


TCS Newsletter


P.O. Box 35061, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Fax: 255-51-410038
Tel: 255-51-410038 or 410500/25 ext. 2048/2111 or

Volume 1, No 1  Maiden Issue  June,1998


  • From the Chairman's Desk
  • Focus: The Launching of Tanzania Chemical Society
  • Planned Activities
  • Journal of the Tanzania Chemical Society
  • Highlights from the Constitution of TCS
  • Application for Membership
  • Upcoming Events
  • Useful Publications
  • To the Editor's Desk
  • Obituary
  • TCS Editorial Board

    Dear colleagues,
    The history of our infant society traces back to the recognition ofthe need for a professional chemical society in Tanzania. This was an irksomeobservation in a country where qualified and prominent chemists abound.The Chemistry Department at the University of Dar es Salaam decided totake on the responsibility to spearhead the formation of such a body. Afterthe requisite homework, a founders' meeting took place at the Universityon 21 - 06 - 1997. We thank all of you who participated, or intended toparticipate, those who share/support the ideals of the TCS, the Universityof Dar es Salaam and the Department of Chemistry for moral and materialsupport and all parties who helped to make this happen.

    From the founders' meeting to the firstissue of the TCS Newsletter

    The interval is conspicuous and for good reasons. The registration processis rigorous and involving, and routed to the registrar of societies, Ministryof Home Affairs through the Parent Ministry (Ministry of Higher Education,Science and Technology) and the District Commissioner (where the HQ's ofTCS are sited) through an up - and - down feedback mechanism. Registrationwas finally obtained on February 1998 and programmes started henceforth.

    Beyond the first TCS Newsletter

    The Newsletter will be published twice yearly - in June and December.This first issue is unavoidably bulky due to a cost saving strategy wherebyall application forms, inputs for the 1999 TCS Inaugural Conference, listof founder members, instruction to authors (Journal of Tanzania ChemicalSociety) and vital information on office bearers etc. are included. Thisstate of affairs is unlikely for future issues. Kindly assist the TCS byproviding photocopies to be filled by other applicants and institutionswhere relevant. May I urge all colleagues to respond to the forms promptlyinclusive of appropriate payment of fees. Please urge your institutionsto acquire TCS registration so as to strengthen our young society. Allis possible, play your part.

     Donnati M. S. Mosha (Ph.D.)
     Tanzania Chemical Society.

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    Isolation, lack of contact  with each other as well as with peerselsewhere, absence of a conducive atmosphere for research, coupled withmeagre resources, highlights the perplexity of the situation in which theTanzanian chemist finds herself/himself. In order for the Tanzanian chemistto be worthy of the noble name  and to even partially realize thelofty task expected of him/her, the current state of isolation has to berectified and a forum created which will contribute to the advancementof chemical sciences and technology in Tanzania.

    It was under these considerations that efforts were made to create sucha forum, i.e, a chemical society, whose objectives , among  others,are to ‘institute and maintain professional standards and promote the welfareof chemists in Tanzania’. Following the necessary groundwork done by anInterim Secretariat through and on behalf of the Chemistry Department -UDSM, a founders’ meeting to deliberate  on the constitution and electoffice bearers - which are the statutory prerequisites for registrationof a society, was held on Saturday, 21st of June 1997 at the Faculty ofScience, University of Dar es Salaam, where 56 professional chemists fromdifferent insitutions across the country were registered as founding members.Below is a list of the participants of the founders’ meeting: Dr. FaustinN. Ngassapa (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. Quintino A. Mgani (Chem. Dept., UDSM),Mr. Alcheraus J.M. Rwazo (TPRI, Arusha), Mr. A.Y. Ngenya (Chem. Dept.,UDSM), Mr. Sirili W. Momburi (Dar es Salaam Technical College), Mrs. MaryP. Macha (TPRI, Arusha), Ms. Aiwerasia V.F. Ngowi (TPRI, Arusha), Mrs.Clare Kambona, Mr. Raphael R. Malisa  (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. JuliusJ. Mbuna (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. Joseph W.P. Kyobe (Chem. Dept., UDSM),Mr. Levi Malimi (Southern Paper Mills, Iringa), Dr. Stephanus A. Jonker(Chem. Dept., UDSM), Dr. Gaspar S. Mhinzi (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Dr. StephenJ.M. Mdachi (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. Josephat A. Saria (Chem. Dept., UDSM),Mr. Michael R. Mshighwa (TBS, Dar es Salaam), Mr. Clarence A. Mgina (Chem.Dept., UDSM), Dr. Othman C. Othman (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. Gerold C.J.Mwalongo (TIRDO, Dar es Salaam), Dr. Michael A. Kishimba (Chem. Dept.,UDSM), Mr. Egid B. Mubofu (Chem. Dept, UDSM), Mr. Ernest L.J. Isaka (ChiefGovt. Chemist, Dar es Salaam), Mr. Cosam C. Joseph (Chem. Dept., UDSM),Mr. John J. Makangara (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. Haji M. Haji (Water andEnvironment Lab., Zanzibar), Mr. Slim R. Juma (Pemba Essential Oil Distillery, Pemba), Mr. Michael Mayuni (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Prof. Donnati M.S. Mosha(Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. Mathew M. Mashaka (IHRDC, Ifakara), Mr. LadislausK. Mdee (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. Lutufyo Mwamtobe (Tambaza Sec. School,Dar), Mr. Theodore K. Mahulu (TIRDO, Dar es Salaam), Prof. Mayunga H.H.Nkunya (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Dr. Joseph Buchweishaija (Chem. Dept., UDSM),Capt. Jacob G. Kingu (TATC/Nyumbu, Kibaha), Dr. Shaaban A. Mbogo (Chem.Dept., UDSM), Mr. Fidelice M.S. Mafumiko (Dar es Salaam Technical College),Dr. Lupituko L. Mkayula (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. Gerald F. Kaundula (KibasilaSec. School), Mr. Joseph J. Magadula( Victoria International School, Mwanza),Mrs. Mpelwa P. Butoboro (TIRDO, Dar es Salaam), Capt. John M. Machary (Makongo(TPDF) Sec. School, Dar), Mr. Andrea D. Swai (Inst. of Adult Education,Dar es Salaaam), Mr. Hamisi M. Malebo (Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. Cosmas B.F.Mwamnyanyi (Urambo Teachers’ College, Tabora), Mr. Samuel L. Mutasa (OpenUniversity of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam), Mrs. Agnes B. Lukyaa (Sugar DevelopmentCorparation, Dar), Ms. Salu Ruth Mnzava (TZ-China Friendship Textile Co.,Dar), Dr. Zakaria H. Mbwambo (ITM, MUCHS, Dar es Salaam), Mr. Ernest Edward(Chem. Dept., UDSM), Mr. John N.K. Iseme (TIPER Oil Refinery, Dar es Salaam),Prof. Godson C. Nwokogu (Chem. Dept., Hampton Univ., USA), Ms. Frida W.Sway (Interchem Pharma Ltd, Moshi), Mr. Titus A.M. Msagati  (Chem.Dept., UDSM), Ms. Leonia Henry (Dar es Salaam Teachers’ College).

    The founding meeting of TCS elected the followingofficebearers: Prof. D.M.S. Mosha (Chairman), Dr. L.L. Mkayula (Vice Chairman),Dr. S.J.M. Mdachi (Secretary), Dr. G.S. Mhinzi (Treasurer), Mr. C.C. Joseph(Assistant Sec.); Other elected members who, together with the above,constitute the TCS Council were: Mrs. M. Macha, Dr. Z. Mbwambo, Dr.F.N. Ngassapa, Mr. C.A. Mgina, Ms. A.V.F. Ngowi and Mr. L. Malimi.
    Following their election, members of the Council nominated the Boardof Trustees and various Committees.

    Board of Trustees: Prof. D.M.S. Mosha, Dr. S.J.M. Mdachi, Prof. M.H.H. Nkunya and Mrs. M. Macha.

    The Programme and Programme Planning Committee: Dr. S.J.M. Mdachi,Dr. L.L. Mkayula, Mr. C.C. Joseph and Mr. C.A. Mgina.

    The Executive Committee: Prof. D.M.S. Mosha, Dr. S.J.M. Mdachi,Dr. F.N. Ngassapa, Ms. A.V.F. Ngowi and Dr. Z. Mbwambo.

    The Finance Committee: Dr. G.S. Mhinzi, Mr. L. Malimi and Mr.C.C. Joseph.

    The founding meeting was followed by an application for registrationof the society which was granted on the 17th of October, 1997 by the registrarof societies vide certificate SO No. 9150. The certificate was officiallyreceived in February 1998 where the registrar inspected the HQ’s premises.
    The inception and registration of the Tanzania Chemical Society aredoubtless very proud occasions for all of us. Nevertheless, what is moresignificant is whether our society will live up to its name. That, dearmember, depends as much on you as on the governing officials. In concreteterms a member can help strengthen TCS by wholeheartedly participatingin TCS activities. The governing officials, therefore, invite members tojoin them in the march forward by writing articles to TCS Newsletter andpapers to the Journal of the Tanzania Chemical Society. It is our firmconviction that this humble beginning will help us tackle even more challengingtasks.

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    The governing officials would like to take this opportunity to brieflyoutline the major activities that are planned to for the near future. Theseinclude: (i) launching of the Journal of Tanzania Chemical Society whichwill be published once per year (ii) to publish the TCS Newsletter Volume1 No 2 in December 1998 (iii) hosting the 1st TCS annual general meeting(iv) organizing of the TCS inaugural conference to be held in Dar es Salaam,8th - 13th August 1999 (v) seeking ways of developing partnerships withcounterpart societies abroad. An exploratory mission for this purpose isplanned by the AAAS - Sub Saharan Africa Program to the USA this year.

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    (J. Tanz. Chem. Soc.)

    Call for Papers

    We are currently working on the production of the first volume of theJournal of the Tanzania Chemical Society and we expect to produce it beforethe end of this year. To achieve this, however, we shall need the submissionof quality manuscripts from TCS members and the rest of our colleagues.The Editorial Board, therefore, invites researchers in chemistry to submitpapers for publication in the Journal of the Tanzania Chemical Society.

    Instructions to Authors

    The Journal of the Tanzania Chemical Society  is devotedto the publication of original reseach papers in all fields of pure andapplied chemistry. Manuscript hardcopies can be submitted by normal mailin quadruplicates or by e-mail as Articles, Notes or Short Communicationsto The Editor;The Journal of the Tanzania Chemical Society, P.O. Box 35061, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; e-mail: preferred software for manuscript is Microsoft Word (version 5 or 6),but any well known word processor format is acceptable, type-written double-spacedon A4 paper. Submitting manuscripts by e-mail:  the authors will requirea computer which operates Macintosh or Windows software, an internet connectionor any e-mail software. It is recommended to include graphics and equationsin the manuscripts. Nevertheless, if it is not possible they should besupplied as PostScript files or as Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files.Submitting the manuscript by normal mail: the original good quality legendsshould also be submitted. The corresponding author's address, phone number,fax number and e-mail address should be included wherever appropriate.
    The following are the general guidlines for manuscript preparation:

    Titles: The titles should be brief and informative.

    Authors: Give names (family name first) and full addresses ofthe authors. Indicate name of author to whom correspondence is to be addressedwith an asterisk as a left superscript.

    Abstracts: Abstracts should state cleary the objective(s) ofthe research/study, give principal results and conclusion.

    Contents: The manuscript should contain the Introduction, Materialsand Methods (Experimental part), Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement,References and Notes.

    Nomenclature and Units: The International Union of Pure and AppliedChemistry (IUPAC) rules and S.I. units should be adopted.

    Legends:  Figures, Pictures and Schemes should be of goodquality, and numbered consecutively.

    References and Notes:  In the text, references and Notesshould be indicated by numbers written as right side superscripts in aconsecutive series, e.g. Snider et al.1 have proposeda mechanism to account for the formation of a,b-unsaturatedcarbonyl compounds from EtAlCl2-catalyzed ene reactions. Inthe list of references, give the name(s) of author(s), the journal (inabbreviated italics form), volume number (in italics), year of publication(in brackets), and the page number of the article, example: 1. Snider,B.B., Rodini, D.J. and van Straten, J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 102 (1980) 5872.

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    The TCS founders’ meeting held on 21st of June 1997, received, inspected,scrutinized, made corrections, and adopted the draft constitution. Thissection of the newsletter, though not intended to reproduce the constitution,highlights a few aspects especially those pertaining to membership.

    Name of the Organization

    The name of the organization shall be "THE TANZANIA CHEMICAL SOCIETY"(hereinafter  referred to as "The Chemical Society").


    The chemical society shall be a non-governmental/non-profit making nationalorganization serving Tanzania and such other affiliated bodies which mayfrom time to time be interested in its services. The Chemical Society shallco-operate and collaborate with the Government through the relevant Governmentinstitutions.


    The Chemical Society shall cover all aspects of learning, research,application,  practice and professional conduct in all branches ofchemistry.

    Aims and Objectives

    1. To promote advancement of the chemical sciences and technology inTanzania.
    2. To promote communication and co-ordination between and among chemists and allied professionals in Tanzania.
    3. To provide a forum for discussion and a medium for disseminationof chemical knowledge among the members of the Chemical Society and thepublic at large.
    4. To encourage advanced training and research in chemistry withinTanzania and to find ways and means for such training elsewhere.
    5. To co-operate with the government of Tanzania and other public bodiesor institutions in national development.
    6. To co-operate with other national and international chemical organizationsin organizing meetings, exchanging of information, etc.
    7. To institute and maintain professional standards amongst its members.
    8. To promote the welfare of chemists in Tanzania; e.g. employmentopportunity, localization,  etc.


    There shall be the following categories of membership:
    (i) Founder membership
    (ii) Ordinary membership
    (iii) Student membership/Associate membership
    (iv) Institutional membership
    (v) Honorary membership
    (vi) Fellows
    (vii) Life membership

    Qualifications for attainment of membership

    (a) All categories of membership (except Founder membership and Lifemembership)  shall be attained by application to and subsequent electionby the appropriate committee of the Governing Council (hereinafter providedfor) which shall have absolute discretion to admit any person or institutionto any category of membership and shall also have sole jurisdiction asregards to the eligibility of any person or institution for any particular category of membership, or to alter the category of any membership. TheGoverning Council shall decide on eligibility for life membership and individualsidentified under this category shall pay a total of 10 (ten) annual subscriptionsat the time of admission.
    (b) Every member shall be entitled to a copy of the constitution ofthe Chemical Society and any amendments and alterations thereto free ofcharge and shall be expected to comply with all the rules and regulations,and code of conduct of the Chemical Society.

    Founder Membership

    The qualifications for Founder Membership are the same as those forOrdinary Membership (hereinafter provided for) except that the member shouldhave attended the meeting to inaugurate the Chemical Society.

    Ordinary Membership

    (i) Ordinary Membership shall be open to the citizens of the UnitedRepublic of Tanzania in any University, Research Institute or tertiaryeducation institution or a reputed industry.
    (ii) To qualify for Membership the candidate shall  either havea recognized University Degree or its equivalent or, and in the opinionof the Council (hereinafter provided for), have contributed notable original work in chemistry or are active in allied fields.
    (iii) Ordinary Members shall be provided with a membership certificate,a copy of the constitution and any other publication, at the discretionof the Council.
    (iv) Ordinary Membership shall also be open to non-Tanzanian citizens at the discretion of the appropriate Council Committee responsible for Membership  admissions, provided that, such non-Tanzanian citizens are active chemists or allied  professionals.
    Student/Associate Membership
    (i) Student Membership shall be open to bona fide Tanzanian studentswho are currently studying chemistry in a University or other recognizedinstitution.
    (ii) Student members may avail themselves of such facilities of theChemical Society as shall be determined by the Council from time to time.They shall have no right to vote and shall not hold any national office,except that a student member may be co-opted to any committee of the ChemicalSociety.
    Institutional Membership
    (i) Institutes, Societies or Organizations in Tanzania which subscribeto some or all of the aims of the Chemical Society as provided in articleIV above, may be admitted by the Council to institutional membership inaccordance with the provisions of this sub-clause.
    (ii) On application for Institutional Membership such bodies shallsubmit either a copy of their constitution, or an up-to-date report ontheir activities. They should also provide their permanent address to thesecretary.
    (iii) On admission, such documents as referred to in sub-clause (ii)above shall be filed by the secretary and kept up-to-date. A register ofInstitutional Members shall also be maintained by the secretary.
    (iv) Members of Institutional bodies, unless holding individual Membershipof the Chemical Society, shall not necessarily become  members orexercise any right or discharge any obligation pertaining to members ofthe Chemical Society other than at the absolute discretion of the Council.
    (v) Each Institutional member shall be represented by its chief executiveor a designated nominee at business meetings or social functions of theChemical Society but such a representative shall not ipso facto hold electiveoffice in the Chemical Society, unless such representative also holds individualmembership in the society.

    Honorary Membership

    Members of the Council (hereinafter provided for) shall be Honorary Members.


    This status shall be conferred, by unanimous decision of the Council,on individual members who, in the opinion of the Council, have excelledin this field.

    Life Membership

    Life  membership shall be conferred by the Council through unanimous decision on distinguished individuals who have rendered commendable contribution towards the aims and goals of the Chemical Society. Such decisionshall be communicated to members at the subsequent Annual General meeting.Such designees shall pay a ten-year membership fee in lumpsum at the timeof admission.

    Membership Fees

    There shall be an entry fee and an annual membership subscription. Theentry fee is payable on application for membership and is refundable infull in case of unsuccessful application. The first annual membership feeis payable on admission to membership and thereafter on the first day ofJuly in each year. The fee rates for each category of membership will beas determined by the Council from time to time and ratified by simple majoritythereof at the Annual General Meeting, and upon such ratification the decisionshall become a bye-law under the constitution.
    In accordance with Article VII of the Constitution, the Governing Councilhas approved the following registration and annual membership subscription(s)for the time being:-

    Registration fees

    (a) Ordinary Membership T.Shs.  15,000.00
    (b) Student /Associate Membership T.Shs. 6,000.00
    (c) Institutional Membership T.Shs. 150,000.00
    (d) Life Membership T.Shs. 150,000.00
    Annual subscription
    (a) Ordinary Membership T.Shs. 10,000.00
    (b) Student/Associate MembershipT.Shs. 4,000.00
    (c) Institutional Membership T.Shs. 70,000.00
    (d) Life Membership  -nil-
    These fees shall be reviewed from time to time by Council.

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    Ordinary, institutional and associate/student membership categoriesshall be attained by application to and subsequent approval by the appropriatecommittee of the Governing Council. In view of this, the editorial board(on behalf of the governing council) has provided you with membership applicationforms (forms TCS 02, TCS 03 and TCS 04) which are to be photocopied forall interested parties in your institution.  Upon successful application,an applicant will be issued with a membership certificate.

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    7th International Chemistry Conference in Africa and 34th Conventionof the South African Chemical Institute: 6-10 July, 1998, Universityof Natal, Durban, South Africa. Many eminent chemists from the region andoverseas (including Nobel prize laureates) will be in attendance. Theme:Chemistry for the Development of Africa in the 21st Century. Exhibition:Scientific equipment, books and other related materials. Pre-Conferenceworkshop: Analytical Chemistry. Contact: The Secretary, the 7th ICCA and34th SACI Convention, Department of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, Universityof Natal, Durban 4041, South Africa, Tel:  +27-31-260 3090, Fax: +27-31-2603091, e-mail:

    15th International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry: 6-11 September,1998, Edinburgh, UK. Contact: Dr. J.F. Gibson, The Royal Society of Chemistry,Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1V 0BN, UK. Tel:  +44-171-4378656, Fax: +44-734-1227, e-mail:

    Drugs From Natural Products: 5-7 July, 1998, Dublin, Ireland.Contact: Mrs. E.S. Wellingham, Conference Secretariat, Field End House,Bude Close, Nailsea, Bristol, BS 19 2FQ, UK. Tel/Fax: +44-1275-853311,e-mail:

    Ninth Asian Symposium on Medicinal Plants, Spices and Other NaturalProducts (ASOMPS IX): 24-28 September, 1998, Hanoi, Vietnam. Registrationfees: US$ 100. Contact: Secretariat of ASOMPS IX, Institute of NaturalProduct Chemistry, National Centre for Natural Science and Technology,Nghiado, Tuliem, Hanoi, Vietnam. Tel: 84-4-8360830/ 8363375, Fax: 844-4-8345390/8531615.

    21st IUPAC International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural ProductsISCNP-21): 11-18 October, 1998, Beijing, China. Contact: Chinese ChemicalSociety, P.O. Box 2709, Beijing, 100080, China. Tel: +86-21-641 63300,Fax: +86-21-641 66128, e-mail:

    New Educational Programmes in the Faculty of Science, UDSM: Inthe coming academic year (i.e 1998/99), the Faculty of Science, UDSM istaking new steps to broaden and strengthen its academic activities. Thisis evidenced by the establishment of a new Department - the Departmentof Computer Science. In the same move, the Faculty of Science is launchingan M.Sc. Programme in Environmental Science. This is a new Course workand Disertation Programme.  For details Contact: Faculty of Science,University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35065, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. e-mail:

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    Proceedings of the 7th NAPRECA Symposium on Natural Products:The symposium was held at Silversands Hotel Resort, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,from 17th to 22nd August, 1997 and was hosted by NAPRECA Tanzania. Morethan 65 presentations were made. In the book of proceedings some of thesepresentations are published. Contact: Prof. M.H.H. Nkunya, Chemistry Department,University of Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 35061 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Fax:255- 51 - 410038, 112752, 410129, e-mail:

    Tanzania Journal of Science: This multidisciplinary science journalwhich has been out of circulation since 1990 has now finished the publicationof back issues. The 1998 volume is expected to be produced before the endof this year. This is therefore an invitation to TCS members and the restof the scientific community to submit their original research articlesor reviews on any discipline in natural sciences. For details contact theEditor, Tanzania Journal of Science, Faculty of Science, P.O. Box 35065,Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, e-mail:

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    As we read this maiden issue of the TCS Newsletter, we begin to enjoythe benefit of being informed. It is the editor’s hope that readers ofthis Newsletter will also see the need to inform others. The editor, therefore,invites readers to contribute short articles for publication in subsequent issues of this Newsletter.
    In our subsequent issues, we shall also be publishing very brief correspondences(maximum 4 sentences) in a column that shall be called Letters to the Editor. These correspondences may, for instance, be a request from a reader forregular mailing of the Newsletter, a note about changes of mailing addressor telephone number of a reader, a statement of appreciation for the Newsletter,etc.

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    The editorial board regrets to announce the deaths of our colleaguesDr. N. Tibanyenda, Ph.D, who was a senior lecturer in the Department ofChemistry, UDSM and Capt. J.M. Machary, M.Sc., of Makongo (TPDF) High School,Dar es Salaam. We would like, at this sad moment, to forward our condolencesand sympathetic regards to the families and friends of the deceased. Maythe Almighty rest their souls in eternal peace.


    Editor:          Dr. Stephen J.M. Mdachi
    Members:      Prof.Donnati M.S. Mosha
                         Dr. Lupituko L. Mkayula
                         Dr. Gaspar S. Mhinzi
                         Dr. Cosam C. Joseph
                         Dr. Joseph Buchweishaija

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